1:1 Coaching

Hey Beautiful Woman!

Are there parts of your life you’re not in love with?

Do you ever dream of how you’d love your life to look but have no idea how to get there?

Are you working in a job that drags you down rather than lift you up?

Have you worked in the same job for years and don’t know what to try next?

Do you feel like you’re doing the same thing day in day out without anything exciting to look forward to?

Do you put everyone else first and neglect your own self care?

Do you wish you had more time in the day for things you really enjoy?

Have you lost yourself after becoming a Mum?

Are you someone who says yes to others even when deep down you don’t want to?

Are you afraid to say no for fear of rejection?

Do you have limiting beliefs about your capabilities?

Do you resonate with any of the above?

Are you done with feeling shit about your life and ready to take your life from MUNDANE to MAGNIFICENT?

How does having your own personal cheerleader sound?

What if you had someone to confidentially talk with about the areas of your life you’d like to change?

How would it feel to have someone by your side as you navigate those changes?

How about having someone to help you formulate a plan for how you’re going to take control of your life, and help you break down the process into bite sized, manageable steps?

Someone to spend time with each week and talk all the things to help you grow as a person.

Someone to keep you accountable.

Someone to celebrate all your wins, no matter how small or big!

Someone to hold your hand as you navigate big scary change in your life.

Someone who knows what it’s like to feel lost, anxious, worried and overwhelmed.

Girl, now is your time to stop DREAMING and start DOING!

You deserve to feel EMPOWERED and to truly believe you’re a confident, brave, strong, independent woman who is 100% capable of living her dream life.

I’ve worked as a Registered Nurse for 10 years and have seen first hand how stress, anxiety and overwhelm can negatively effect our lives and lead to further health problems.

I’ve experienced it myself, too. 2 years ago, I was feeling so anxious, I was overthinking everything, I felt frustrated with my life situation, spent no time doing anything for myself, was a chronic people pleaser, my self-esteem was in my boots, and I worried so much about what everyone else thought about me.

I was done with living a mundane life and things needed to drastically change. My 2 beautiful children deserved a happy, stress-free Mum. They deserved a Mum who didn’t yell in the mornings because she was disorganised yet again. They deserved a Mum who was at school pickup every day and who was able to attend every special event they had on. I deserved these things, too. I didn’t become a Mum to be working every damn day and missing out on crucial milestones in my kids’ lives.

In 2021 I left my marriage of 9 years because I wasn’t aligned with my husband anymore.

In 2022 I resigned from my nursing job which no longer lit me up and robbed me from being the present Mum I wanted to be in my kids’ lives.

I couldn’t have made these big, bold, brave decisions without the professional support I had backing me the whole way.

I now have the most incredible, supportive, dream-worthy partner. I work for myself in my own two businesses, in the hours I choose. I have freedom to be the Mum I’ve always dreamt to be. My life is MAGNIFICENT!

I know what it’s like to feel lost, confused, anxious, overwhelmed and unsure where to go next.

If you’re feeling any of these things, please know that I see you and I’d absolutely LOVE to be your personal cheerleader.

I can’t wait to support you…

Goal Getter


20 Minute Clarity Call

2 Weeks Support

Access to Worksheet Bundle

Goals and Action Plan

1 x 1:1 90 Minute Video Coaching Call

WhatsApp Support 5 Days a Week

Empowered Woman


20 Minute Clarity Call

6 Weeks Support

Access to Worksheet Bundle

Goals and Action Plan

3 x 1:1 90 Minute Video Coaching Call

WhatsApp Support 5 Days a Week

Super Woman


20 Minute Clarity Call

6 Weeks Support

Access to Worksheet Bundle

Goals and Action Plan

6 x 1:1 90 Minute Video Coaching Call

WhatsApp Support 5 Days a Week

Personalised Journalling Prompts

Welcome Gift

You are SO capable of making yourself an exciting life full of all the things you value most.

You have so much potential within you gorgeous woman, I’m here to help you bring it out and help you use it to live your best life.

There’s a beautiful life out there just waiting for you to step into.

Life doesn’t have to be a daily slog. It doesn’t have to be hard, boring or meh all the time.

You deserve to feel EMPOWERED and to truly believe you’re a confident, brave, strong, independent woman who is 100% capable of living her dream life.

If you’re ready to take your life from MUNDANE to MAGNIFICENT, scroll up and join me today ☝🏻